Newly Elected City Rep Speaks With ABC7
and i’m josie evan folan. we’ll get to that story in just a bit … but first, a new era for district one in el paso: “i think that it’s important to have people in council who are willing to promote a better vision for el paso, who are willing to think forward and not back.” abc-7 is learning more about newly- elected city representative, peter svarz-bine. yesterday, svarz- bine defeated his opponent in the runoff election — al weisenberger — by more than 400 votes. he will take over the seat vacated by outgoing city rep, ann morgan lilly. abc-7’s jamie warren caught up with swarz-bine today to learn more about his plans for district 1. she begins our “your voice, you vote” coverage. jamie svarzbein told me he’s in favor of the city providing tax incentives to encourage more business and investment in our community. :07-:15 meet peter svarzbein. while the political new comer says he doesn”t have any proposals just yet… “i’m really interested in quality of life bonds i’m really interested in simple but efficient ways we can make the quality of life of our neighborhoods better.” svarzbein says he thinks the city can only do so much. “where the city comes in is looking at the kind of incentives it can to encourage investment in this community.” and when i comes to spending… “we also need to be mor efficient with how we spend our tax dollars and we also need to understand and be aware that good government is good customer service. “right now i’m just ready t learn more in the system” i asked svarzbein if he considers himself a progressive. he says he thinks the term has a sour tone, but said its important to have people in council who are willing to promote a better vision for el paso. the newly elected city council members will be sworn in june 30. back to you. jamie, thank you. one person is in the hospital after a small plane crash.