DA County whistleblower discusses past crimes
mexico mobile newsroom is learning more about the whistleblower who says he was fired after not taking part … in an alleged check cashing scheme within the dona ana county clerk’s office: robert hernandez: “the integrit of the clerk’s office is now gone. how can we go back and trust the clerk’s office with so many people involved.” hernandez filed a wrongful termination suit against the county. last week, he asked county commissioners what’s been done since he revealed the clerk’s office compromised the personal information of hundreds of las crucens. hernandez alleges the county has yet to do anything — even after some of the vicitm’s identies were stolen. the county manager told abc-7 robert hernandez was not fired for speaking out. julia brown says he was hired temporarily. today, we learned hernandez repeatedly worked as a temporary employee during election cycles over the past eleven years. we also learned he has a criminal background. abc-7’s jamie warren joins us live with new information from our new mexico mobile newsroom. jamie? hernandez tells me he hasn’t made any official plans to run for county clerk, but he says his criminal past won’t stop him. 8:15;20:33 robert hernandez i was a young man i made a stupid mistake and making that mistake i found myself being convicted hernandez says background checks were performed every year he worked as an elections official at the county clerks office. 8:15:01:08 robert hernandez the issue was brought up that i did have a criminal past and if there was a conflict of me working as an election official and he determined it did not so i was allowed to continue county clerk lynn ellins tells the issue raises the question of credibility hernandez says while he would like to run for county clerk next year he first has to be pardoned by the governor because of his felony record he tells me if people want to attack his integrity for something he did 30 years ago, then they have too much time on their hands 8:18:42 i made a mistake i learned from it and you move on current county manager julia brown hands 8:18:42 i made a mistake i learned from it and you move on current county manager julia brown says background checks for employees only go back 18 years. stormtrack