ABC-7 at Noon: November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month
1. lung cancer is the # 1 cause of cancer death in 1. lung cancer is the # 1 cause of cancer death in men and women. 2. smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer 3. best prevention is smoking cessation. 4. we offer smoking cessation classes in collaboration with paso del norte and ep health department, call 577-5864 for more information. 5. early detection with lung cancer screening. 6. heavy smoker between 55-77, at least one pack a day for 30 years or 2 pack a day for cancer screening. 6. heavy smoker between 55-77, at least one pack a day for 30 years or 2 pack a day for cancer screening. 6. heavy smoker between 55-77, at least one pack a day for 30 years or 2 pack a day for 15 years. 7. more info: call 577- 5864 and we’ll be right back!