President Obama shares message about 1966 Texas Western Miners
“Fifty years ago, long before the Hollywood money or the hall of fame inductions a group of basketball players in El Paso, black, white, Hispanic. Just wanted to win some games. They did a lot of that because in basketball it doesn’t matter what you look like, just that you can play. Now, the path to success wasnt so usually clear in the America’s of the 1960s, so by becoming the first team to win the NCAA title with 5 black starters – the Miners weren’t just champs on the court they helped change the rules of the game off it. They didn’t know it at the time but their contribution to civil rights was as important as any other. Their contrabution to civil rights was as important as any other. Our progress demands not only Dr. (Martin Luther) Kings but Jackie Robinson’s, not only Rosa Parks’ but Aretha Franklin’s. Not only household names but ordinary Americans doing their part in their own lives with their own example. That is what we honor today, a group of Americans that laced up their shoes and moved America forward – that and a pretty good basketball team. Congratulations on this anniversary and Go Miners!” – President Obama