Law enforcement shuts down South El Paso
just was looking at his birthday he’s going to turn 08 this year in december. if you can imagine a man of that age being able to go through the trip the way he did. it’s really extraordinary, the energy he gets from his spiritual life and his spirituality. >> it was his tenth foreign trip since he became the pontiff in three years he’s made a handful of foreign trips. they are packed with events and for him to still be standing at the end of the day like today i’m sure it’s going to be very restful plane ride back to the vatican he’ll get in about 2:40 local time. >> er. >> we do have jerry standing by right now i’m told who is in the barrio with the heart of el paso, jerry, you’re in the newsroom. >> i just got back, it was pretty interesting event out there. i was at the intersection of 7th street and park. when the police said they were going to use all the resources that they could to block off the area, they were not kidding. every intersection south from campbell street, at least three law enforcement agents posted up, this whole area is under the watchful eye of el paso police, sheriff’s deputies, state police, federal police, border patrol, they’re on foot, on motorcycles, on bikes, in patrol units. i can tell you they are pulling over people in the area. i’ve seen agents run k-9s through cars this area is very active. one of the biggest concerns for the people in that area was that there was only one entrance and exit per resident. they felt itfuls going to tie up traffic, a little later i’ll show you some video of what they were doing out there how they were keeping tabs on those people going in and out of the residents. >> thank you very much, jerry. glad to have you back in our abc-7 on the cw. also on abc-7 at 10:00 closed schools along the border had to close early yesterday. they’re going to let students go in late tomorrow it will be late arrival for some students there at some of the high schools, i should say elementary and middle schools along the border. not the whole district. the early dismissal the late arrival