“Shattered Lives”
paramedics rushed to the scene of a deadly crash … hundreds of high school students watched it all unfold. it was a graphic example of how drunk drivers shatter people’s lives. welcome back to abc-7 at five. i’m rick cabrera. and i’m estela cas. you may have noticed road closures and emergency crews all over mayfield high school this morning abc7’s jamie warren joins us live from our new mexico mobile newsroom to explain: rick and estela, crews were responding to a serious crash here in front of mayfield high school. but no need to worry, it was a mock scenario to warn teens about what can happen if you drink and drive. nat of screaming: 8:35:11 “yo killed him!” there were heart- rending screams at the scene of the mock crash as hundreds of students watched. you could see mangled cars. bloodied teenagers lying in the street. one pronounced dead. it’s part of a program called “shattered lives.” dona ana county does it every year to warn students not to drink and drive. students tell us it’ll make them think twice: ryan cox, junior 9:02:11 it’s just sad memories in our head and his mom yelling just really emotional i feel it. goosebumps. it’s a hard thing to go through to see your best friend lying there lifeless it’s something that nobody wants to go through and i hope i never have to mckenna thelen, senior 9:03:00 something like that can just change the whole tone in our school right now like they’re going to go back in our school and they’re not going to feel the same because they think someone from our student body our trojan family is dead today’s mock scenario is a harsh reality for all too many. one woman shares her story of losing a son and fighting for justice coming up at 6. nmmn jamie warren abc7 as our new mexico mobile newsroom first reported