Band booster fees questioned
A parent of a student at El Paso High School has raised concerns about band booster fees students are required to pay.
Delia Guerra reached out to ABC 7 and said her child is not getting the recognition they deserve.
“We’re not buying letters we’re not buying positions and they put in the time and the work. So they shouldn’t be discriminated against if they can’t pay the fees.” Guerra says.
According to this year’s band handbook, the fees are used to pay for things like meals before football games, contest fees, and travel costs.
The total cost coming in at $160.00.
Because Guerra has not paid the fee, her child has lost out on leadership positions and awards.
EPHS band director Ricardo Vilardell says students are aware of these fees when they sign an agreement at the start of the year.
The band handbook says “Students who do not have all of these fees paid off by the end of the fall semester (the last day of school before winter break) will not be allowed to audition/run for any type of leadership position and will not be eligible for any type of award unless said fees are paid off.”
Other boosters and parents of band members say these fees are necessary to keep the band running.
Raymond Lerma has been a band booster for years and administrator on the boosters facebook page.
He says the boosters try to keep the cost of the band fees low while taking care of the kids.
Lerma says “this goes for any band booster out there period that knows how much hard work it takes to run a band as parents and boosters.”
The school district says the boosters act independently from the school, but Guerra says she would like more oversight.
Guerra says “We need to come up with solutions as parents for these kids and kids shouldn’t have to pay to be recognized.”