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Biden, Harris and Castro spar in 2nd night of Democratic debate

After Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren fended off repeated attacks from moderate competitors, the next 10 presidential primary contenders took the stage Wednesday evening for the second night of the second Democratic debates.

Here is how the night unfolded. All times are eastern time.

10:47 p.m. The debate has ended A night of quick punches and tense debate has ended.

10:46 p.m. Biden gets the last word Former Vice President Joe Biden gave the last remarks of the night, ending the debate with these words, “This most consequential election anyone of you has ever participated in. Four more years of Donald Trump will go down as an aberration. Hard to overcome the damage he’s done. We can overcome it.”

10:45 p.m. Harris makes the case for office Sen. Kamala Harris, invoking her background as a prosecutor, continued her refrain about prosecuting the president, saying in her closing remarks, “What we need is someone who is going to … defeat him by being able to prosecute the case against four more years … So we must defeat him and then in turning the page, write the next chapter.”

10:44 p.m. Booker suggests the field should focus on more than just beating Trump “I have a frustration sometimes people the only thing they want is to beat Donald Trump,” Sen. Cory Booker said. “That’s the floor, not the ceiling. To not just focus on him, he wants to take all the oxygen out of the room. It’s when we focus on each other. And understand our common bonds and purpose to address our common pain is what is saved us before. It’s going to save us now. That is the kind of leader that I’m going to be as president of the United States.”

10:37 p.m. Gillibrand: ” Trump has really torn apart the moral fabric of the country” Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said, “Donald Trump has really torn apart the moral fabric of the country. Dividing us on every racial line, every religious line, every economic line he can find. I’m running for president because I want to help people.”

“This is the warmonger hoax. There is no shelter. It’s all a lie. As president, I will end this insanity. It doesn’t have to be this way … as your president I will put your interest above all else,” Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said.

Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro said, “I believe that we need leadership that understands that we need to move forward as one nation. With one destiny. And our destiny in the years to come is to be the smartest, healthiest, fairest, and the most prosperous nation on Earth. If you want to help me build that America for the future…and on January 20th, 2021. We’ll say together, ‘Adios’ to Donald Trump.

In a reference to his tie-less look for both debates, Andrew Yang said, “If you care more about your family and kids than my neckwear. Enter your zip code and see what $1,000 a month would mean to your community. It’s not left or right. The math is forward. And that is how we’ll beat Donald Trump in 2020.”

10:32 p.m. Candidates end the night with closing remarks Mayor Bill de Blasio said, “For the last three years we watched Trump pit working people against each other. Black vs. White. Citizen vs. Immigrant. So the wealthy and powerful can hold the American dream hostage from everyone else. We can’t let them get away wi it. If we’re going to beat trump this party has to stand for something. The party of labor unions. This has to be the party of universal healthcare. This has to be the party that’s not afraid to say out loud we’re going to tax the hell out of the wealthy.”

Sen. Michael Bennet said, “We have an incredible opportunity in front of us. All of us. To come together just as our parents and grandparents did before them, and face challenges even harder than the ones we face. The only way we’ll be able to do it is to put the divisive politics of Trump behind us and the divisive politics of the last ten years behind us. We need to come together united against a broken Washington. Make Trump a one-term president.”

Gov. Jay Inslee said, “The survival of humanity on this planet in civilization is in the hands of the next president. And we have to have a leader who will do what is necessary to save us. That includes making this the top priority of the next presidency. I alone on this panel making a commitment that this will be the organizing principle of the administration not the first day, but every day.”

10:31p.m. Candidates start to offer closing statements After a night of wide-ranging topics, the candidates are offering closing statements.

10:25 p.m. Sen. Michael Bennet warns against impeachment After cautioning against impeaching in the past, the Colorado senator echoed those sentiments on the debate stage.

“As we go forward here we need to recognize a very practical reality. We have the August recess, yhen we’re four months from the Iowa caucus. And I just want to make sure whatever we do, doesn’t end up with an acquittal by Mitch Mcconnell in the Senate and President Trump is saying he was acquitted by the congress. I belief we have a moral obligation to beat Donald Trump. He has to be a single term president. And we can’t do anything that plays into his hands.”

But former HUD Secretary Julin Castro, pushed back against Bennet’s position, replying, “I really do believe we can walk and chew gum at the same time.”

“We have an election coming up,” he said. “At the same time, I think that too many folks in the Senate and Congress have been spooked by 1998. The times are different. Folks are making a mistake by not seeking impeachment. He deserves it.”

10:24 p.m.: Cory Booker reiterates call for impeachment proceedings to begin from the stage After not a single mention of the ‘I’ word on night one, Sen. Cory Booker asserted Wednesday night, “I believe that we in the United States Congress should start impeachment proceedings. Immediately.”

He continued: “The politics of this be dammed. When we look at history at what happened when the president started acting like an authoritarian, the question is what will we have done? And I believe Congress should do its job.”

10:23 p.m. President Donald Trump, Mueller and obstruction of justice take center stage at the debate “I read the report. There are ten clear incidents of obstruction of justice. By this president and he needs to be held accountable. I have seen people go to prison for far less. And the reality of it we have a person in the White House right now who has been shielded by a memo,” Sen. Kamala Harris said.

10:22 p.m.: Joe Biden addresses 2003 vote to send troops to Iraq After voting in favor of authorizing the Iraq war in 2003 as a member of the Senate, former Vice President Joe Biden addressed that decision, saying, “I did make a bad judgment trusting the president saying he was only doing this to get inspectors in and get the UN to agree. From the moment shock and awe started and that moment I was opposed to the effort and I was outspoken as much as anyone at all in the Congress and the administration.”

Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard again backed up Biden, adding, “We were all lied to. This is the betrayal.”

10:17 p.m.: Tulsi Gabbard says the wars in the Middle East aren’t about ‘arbitrary deadlines’ but ‘leadership’ As the only veteran on stage Wednesday night, Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard shared her view on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, telling the crowd: “My cousin is deployed now. 300 of the Hawaii National Guard soldiers are deployed. 14,000 service members are there. It’s not about arbitrary deadlines this is about leadership. The leadership I will bring to do the right thing to bring our troops home within the first year in office.”

“We have to do the right thing and end the wasteful regime change wars and bring our troops home,” she said

10:12 p.m. Sen. Kamala Harris pressed Vice President Joe Biden on the Hyde amendment Harris called into question Biden’s previous stance on the Hyde amendment saying, “Why did it take you so long to change your position on the Hyde amendment?”

Biden responded saying, “There was not full federal funding for all reproductive services. Prior to this point.”

10:10 p.m.: Kirsten Gillibrand targets Joe Biden over women working outside the home Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand asked Biden directly about an op-ed he wrote, in which she claims he said, women working outside the home would quote “create the deterioration of family.”

Former Vice President Joe Biden fired back, “I’m passionate about the concern making sure women are treated equally. I don’t know what happened except you’re running for president.”

10:05 p.m. Andrew Yang tackles equal pay Yang, the only entrepreneur on the stage, was asked about fixing the gender pay gap in the country.

“What we have to do is give women economic freedom to improve their situations and start businesses and the best way to do this is putting a dividend of $1,000 a month into their hands. It would be a game-changer. Women do more of the unrecognized and uncompensated work in the society. It will not change unless we change it,” Yang said.

10:04 p.m.: Joe Biden says he would renegotiate the TPP Former Vice President Joe Biden, when asked if he would rejoin the Trans-Pacific Partnership that President Trump withdrew from, first said, “I would renegotiate … We must have the rest of the world join us to keep nem in check from abusing.”

When asked again if he would rejoin the TPP, Biden clarified, “I would not as it was initially put forward. I would insist that we renegotiate pieces.”

Then when asked by New York City Bill de Blasio if he would “oppose a new NAFTA,” Biden simply replied, “Yes.”

But then Biden added, “Well, I love your affection for me. You spend a lot of time with me,” after several attacks directed his way from the mayor throughout the night.

10:01 p.m. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard takes on China When asked if she would keep President Trump’s tariffs on China Gabbard answered, “I would not. The approach that president trump has taken has been extremely volatile. Without any clear plan. It has a ravaging and devastating effect on manufacturers. On farmers. Who are already struggling and failing to see the light of day because of the plan trump has taken.”

9:53 p.m.: Andrew Yang pushes back against electability question When asked about recent polling that shows former Vice President Joe Biden leading among the Democrats who holds the best chance of beating President Trump, Andrew Yang responded, “I’m building a coalition of trump voters, independents and libertarians and democratic and progressives. I’m best to suited to beat Trump. How to win in Michigan and Ohio and Pennsylvania, the problem is that so many people feel like the economy has left them behind.”

9:50 p.m. Former Vice President speaks to progressives Former Vice President Joe Biden is asked to answer if how he can appeal to progressives in the Democratic party so he can defeat President Donald Trump to which he responds: “Because we did it. I was asked to manage an $87 billion plan that would be spent in a total of 18 months that revived this state and many others because — and it kept us out of a depression. With 0.2 of 1% of waste or fraud. And our administration pushed bailing general motors out saving tens of thousands of jobs here in this state.”

9:45 p.m. The Green New Deal gets its’ moment again in night two of the debate After Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said, “The first thing that I’m going to do when I’m president is I’m going to Clorox the Oval Office”, she was asked to defend the Green New Deal which she co-sponsors.

“Why not have a green energy race with China? Why not have clean air and clean water for all Americans? Why not rebuild our infrastructure? Why not actually invest in the green jobs. That’s what the green new deal is about. I will put a price on carbon to make market forces help us,” Gillibrand said.

9:43 p.m.: Harris: ‘I would take any Democrat on this stage’ over Trump on climate change “I have to agree with Governor Inslee… He’s been pushing science fiction instead of science fact,” Sen. Kamala Harris said about President Donald Trump’s climate agenda.

She then added: “The reality is I would take any Democrat on this stage over the current president of the United States.”

9:40 p.m.: Andrew Yang says ‘we are too late’ on climate change Andrew Yang, delivering a sobering reality to the crowd on the climate crisis, said, “Even if we were to curb or emissions dramatically, the Earth is going to get warmer.”

“The last four years have been the four warmest years in history. We are too late. We are ten years too late,” he continued, before adding, “We need to do everything we can to start moving the climate in the right direction.”

9:38 p.m. The debate switches to climate change Gov. Jay Inslee, who has made climate change the central mantra of his campaign, takes the first question on why he’s made this his top priority.

“Look, climate change is not a singular issue, it is all the issues that we Democrats care about. It is health, it is national security. It is our economy. And we know this, middle ground solutions, like the vice president has proposed or sort of average-sized things are not going to save us. Too little, too late is too dangerous. And we have to have a bold plan. And mine has been called the gold standard,” Inslee said.

Former Vice President Joe Biden responds to his attack saying, “The fact of the matter is nothing is middle ground about my plan. I call for immediate action to be taken.”

He added, “Here’s the deal, in that area, there’s also piece, 85% of it is something I helped negotiate and that is the Paris climate accord. I would rejoin that accord.”

9:36 p.m.: Kirsten Gillibrand aims to take the mantle on racial divide Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, seeking to share responsibility for leading on the conversation about race, said, “I don’t believe it’s the responsibility of Cory and Kamala to take this on. I think as a white woman running for president of the United States, it is my responsibility to lift up those voices that aren’t being listened to.”

She continued, bringing up white privilege, a topic she has discussed more than once on the campaign trail, “I can talk to those white women in the suburbs and explain to them what white privilege is. When their son is walking down the street wearing a hoodie, his whiteness protects him from not being shot.”

9:32 p.m.: Jay Inslee invokes gubernatorial tenure to stand out While responding to Sen. Michael Bennet’s remarks on the racial divide, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said, “I approach this question with humility because I have not experienced what many Americans have. I’ve never been a black teenager pulled over in a white neighborhood. I’ve never been a woman talked over in a meeting. I’ve never been an LGBTQ member subject to a slur. And so I have believed I have an added responsibility, a double responsibility to deal with racial disparity.”

“This is a common error that every single senator on this stage, as much as I respect them all, they all have an enormous error which is going to prevent our party from making any progressive progress in the United States and it is this: We are all going to work like the dickens to get more Democrats elected to the senate,” he continued.

9:31 p.m. Donald Trump’s recent racially toned remarks come under fire “The president’s racist rhetoric should be enough grounds for everybody in this country to vote him out of office. That one thing alone should be enough,” Sen. Michael Bennet said.

“The president is a racist,” added Julian Castro.

9:30 p.m.: Harris, Gabbard spar over the senator’s record as a prosecutor When asked about her defense of former Vice President Joe Biden, Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard directed her criticisms at Sen. Kamala Harris, saying: “I want to bring the conversation back to the criminal justice system that is disproportionately affecting black and brown people.”

“I’m concerned about this record of Senator Harris. She put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana. She blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California, and she fought to keep cash bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way.”

Harris, again on defense, pushed back: “I did the work of significantly reforming the criminal justice system of the state of 40 million people which became a national model for the work that needs to be done. And I am proud of that work.”

But Gabbard continued to slam Harris’ record, saying, “When you were in a position to make a difference and an impact in these people’s lives, you did not and worse yet in the case of those who are on death row, you blocked evidence from being revealed that would have freed them until you were forced to do so. There’s no excuse for that and the people who suffered under your reign as prosecutor, you owe them an apology.”

Harris then replied, “I think you can judge people by when they are under fire and it’s not about some fancy opinion on a stage but when they’re in the position to actually make a decision what do they do, when I was in the position of having to decide whether or not to seek a death penalty on cases I prosecuted, I made a very difficult decision that was not popular to not seek the death penalty. History shows that and I am proud of those decisions.”

9:26 p.m. Biden strikes back on busing and Sen. Kamala Harris’ record as a prosecutor “When senator Harris was the attorney general for eight years in the state of California, there were two of the most segregated school districts in the country, in Los Angeles and in San Francisco. And she did not — I didn’t see a single time she brought a case against them to desegregate them. She’s also in a situation where she had a police department when she was there that in fact was abusing people’s rights and the fact was that she, in fact, was told by her own people that her own staff, that she should do something about and disclose to defense attorneys like me that you, in fact, have been — the police officer did something that did not give you information that would help your client. She didn’t do that. She never did it,” Biden said.

Harris pushed back, saying, “That is simply not true.”

“As attorney general of California where I ran the second largest department of justice in the United States, I am proud of the work we did. Work that has received national recognition for what has been the important work of reforming a criminal justice system and cleaning up the consequences of the bills that you passed when you were in the United States senate for decades,” she added.”

9:24 p.m.: Kamala Harris takes on bussing once again When asked about her current position on bussing, which former Vice President Joe Biden said they share, Sen. Kamala Harris responded: “That is simply false.”

“When Vice President Biden was in the United States Senate working with segregationists to oppose bussing which was the vehicle by which we would integrate America’s public schools, had I been in the Senate at that time I would have been on the other side of the aisle,” she said. “Had those segregationists their way, I would not be a member of the United States Senate, Cory Booker would not be a member of the United States Senate and President Obama would not have been in a position to nominate him to the place he holds.”

9:23 p.m. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand calls for the firing of the officer who killed Eric Garner Gillibrand said that Mayor Bill de Blasio’s answer on the death of Eric Garner was not adequate and that the police officer should have been fired.

“I sat down with Eric Garner’s mother and I can tell you when you’ve lost your son, when he begged for breath, when you know because you have a video, when you know he said I can’t breathe so many times over and over again, when you know he used an illegal choke hold, that person should be fired and as — if I was the mayor I would fire him. But as president, I would make sure that we had a full investigation, that the report would be made public.”

9:21 p.m.: Bill de Blasio forced to answer on Eric Garner New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, when asked why the police officer who killed Eric Garner is still on the street, he said. “I know the Garner family, they’ve gone through extraordinary pain. They’re waiting for justice and they’re going to get justice. There’s going to be justice. I have confidence in that.”

9:18 p.m. Julian Castro touts his police reform policy proposal As the Democrats switch the conversation to criminal justice reform, Castro highlights his proposal to reform policing in America.

“I’m proud that I’m the only candidate that has put forward a police reform plan. Because we have a system that is broken and we need to fix it. Whether it’s the case of someone like Michael Brown, or Eric Garner where the justice department decided not to pursue challenges, we need to have a standard and that we end qualified immunity for police officers so we can hold them accountable,” Castro said.”

9:16 p.m.: Biden, Booker bump heads on criminal justice records The first question of the night on criminal justice reform went to former Vice President Joe Biden, on Sen. Cory Booker’s criticisms of his plan, to which he replied, “I think he is wrong. I think we should work together. He has a similar plan. We should change the way we look at prisons. When someone is convicted of a drug crime they end up going to jail and to prison. They should be going to rehabilitation.”

Booker then followed up, taking aim at Biden’s long legislative record.

“My response is this is a crisis in aur country because we have treated issues of race and poverty and addiction by locking people up and not lifting them up. Since the 1970s, every crime bill, major and minor, has had his name on it,” Booker said to Biden.

“And those are your words, not mine,” he added.

Biden, first inserting a joke, responded, “The bills that the president — excuse me, the future president, that the senator is talking about, are bills that were passed years ago and passed overwhelming.”

He then took aim at Booker’s record as mayor of Newark: “In 2007 you became mayor and you had a police department that you went out and hired Rudy Giuliani’s guy and you engaged in stop and frisk. You had 75% of those stops reviewed as illegal, the justice department came after you for saying you were engaging in behavior that was inappropriate, and then in fact nothing happened. The entire time you were mayor.”

Booker then said, “I’m glad he endorsed my presidency already,” before adding, “If you want to compare records and I’m shocked that you do, I am happy to do that.”

9:08 p.m. Cory Booker slams Former Vice President Joe Biden on Obama After Vice President Joe Biden tried to separate himself from former President Barack Obama’s immigration policies, Sen. Cory Booker came with a quick response to Obama’s name being thrown into the debate.

“First of all, you can’t have it both ways. You invoke president Obama more than anybody in this campaign. You can’t do it when it’s convenient and dodge it when it’s not,” Booker said.

9:06 p.m.: Tulsi Gabbard tackles student loan debt, as youngest contender on stage Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, the youngest candidate on stage at 38-years old, brought up the issue of student loan debt in a question about giving tuition-free college for undocumented immigrants, highlighting her age difference from some of her rivals at the podiums Wednesday.

“We’ve got to look at the challenge that people all across this country are facing under crushing student debt. This is something that’s impacting my generation in a huge way and I believe that it is our generation that has the bold, creative solutions to be able to solve it,” she said.

9:05 p.m. Mayor Bill de Blasio questions Joe Biden on deportations during his time as vice president De Blasio pressed Biden on wether her tried to stop mass deportation of illegal immigrants during his time serving as vice president in the Obama-administration to which he responded, “The president came along and he’s the guy that came up with the idea, first time ever of dealing with the dreamers. He put that in the law. He talked about a comprehensive plan which he put on — laid before the congress saying that we should find a pathway to citizenship for people.”

The New York Mayor again pressed him to answer the question further and Biden responded, ” I was vice president. I’m not the president. I keep my recommendation in private. Unlike you, I expect you would go ahead and say whatever was said privately. That is not what I do.”

9:03 p.m.: Biden, Yang share a moment over immigration Wrapping his comments on his vision for immigration, former Vice President Joe Biden said directly to Andrew Yang, “Anybody who crosses the stage with a Ph.D., should get a green card for seven years. We should keep them here.”

Yang, the son of immigrants, replied: “Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President.”

9:02 p.m. Cory Booker defends his proposed immigration policy ” An unlawful crossing is an unlawful crossing if you do in the civil courts or the criminal courts. The criminal courts is giving Donald Trump the ability to violate the human rights of people coming to our country. They’re human rights. And so doing it through the civil courts means you won’t need these awful detention facilities that I’ve been to. Seeing children sleeping on pavement, people being put in cages, nursing mothers, small children, this is not necessary.

9:00 p.m.: Andrew Yang, the son of immigrants, hopes to change debate around immigration Recounting his own family’s history amid a tense debate over immigration, Andrew Yang jumped in to say, “My father immigrated here and generated over 65 U.S. Patents for GE and IBM. That’s the immigration story we need to be telling.”

“We can’t always been focusing on some of the distressing stories. If you go to a factory here in Michigan, you will not find wall to wall immigrants, you will find wall to wall machines. Immigrants are being scapegoated for something they have nothing to do with,” he added.

8:58 p.m. Former Vice President Joe Biden comes for Julian Castro Julian Castro, who used to work alongside Biden in the Obama-administration, came under fire from the former Vice President for his proposed immigration policies.

“I found that the secretary, we sat together in many meetings, I never heard him talk about any of this when he was the secretary,” Biden said.

Castro responded to loud applause saying, “It looks like one of us has learned from the lessons of the past and one of us hasn’t.”

Castro added that we need to have guts on this issue to which Biden said, “I have guts enough to say his plan doesn’t make sense.”

Castro responds to Biden on immigration: “One of us has learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn’t. … What we need are politicians that actually have some guts on this issue” #DemDebate

— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) August 1, 2019 8:57 p.m.: Harris, Bennet and Gillibrand take aim at Trump over immigration agenda In a couple of minutes of unity, three senators were aligned as they all took aim at the current president over immigration.

“These children have not committed crimes and should not be treated like criminals,” Sen. Kamala Harris said.

Sen Michael Bennet chimed in: “There’s not a single person on this stage if were president would ever separate a child from their parents at the border … That is what this administration has done in the American people’s name, they have turned our border into a symbol of hostility, the symbol of this country before Donald Trump was president was the statue of liberty. That should be the symbol of the United States of America.”

And Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand added: “No president before President Trump enforced the law in the way he has enforced it because he’s using it as the crutch to lock up women and children, to separate mothers and babies, to put them behind bars. So I don’t think we should have a law on the books that can be so misused. It should be a civil violation and we should make sure that we treat people humanely.”

8:52 p.m. Democrats switch the conversation to immigration Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro is asked to defend his stance on decriminalizing illegal border crossings.

“My plan would make sure that we put undocumented immigrants on a pathway to citizenship, that we do a 21st Century marshal plan with countries so we can get to the root of this challenge so people can find safety and opportunity at home instead of having to come to the United States. That’s how we can be smarter, more effective and more humane when it comes to immigration policy,” Castro said.

8:50 p.m.: Joe Biden drops his first ‘malarkey’ of the night Former Vice President Joe Biden, in another defense of the Affordable Care Act, targeted his rivals’ plans on health care, saying, “They can buy into this plan and they can buy into it with $1,000 deductible and never have to pay more than 8.5% of their income when they do it and if they don’t have any money, they will get in free.,” he began of his health care plan. “So this idea is a bunch of malarky we’re talking about here. The fact of the matter is, there will be a deductible on their paycheck. Bernie acknowledges it. $30 trillion has to ultimately be paid and I don’t know what math you do in New York, I don’t know what math you do in California but I tell Ya, that’s a lot of money and there will be a deductible.”

Biden defends Obamacare: “This idea is a bunch of malarkey, what we’re talking about here” #DemDebate

— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) August 1, 2019 8:49 p.m. Mayor Bill de Blasio says Michael Bennet is ‘fear-mongering’ on universal health care “I don’t want why Democrats on this stage are fear-mongering about universal health care. It makes no sense,” de Blasio said.

CNN moderator Jake Tapper asked de Blasio who he was referring to and the New York mayor responded, “With all due respect, what Senator Bennett is saying is absolutely inaccurate about taxes. Americans right now are paying so much money for their health care, ask people about the reality of premiums, deductibles, co-pays, out-of-pocket expenses.”

Bennet responded, “This has nothing to do with Republican talking points or the pharmaceutical industry. This has to do with having faith in the American people they can make the right decisions for their families, and they can choose a public option. Bernie Sanders who said last night he wrote the bill and did just like I wrote the public option bill is the guy who says it will cost $32 trillion and that we’re going to have to raise those taxes to pay for it.”

8:47 p.m.: Andrew Yang inserts his business acumen into health care debate The lone entrepreneur on stage, Andrew Yang, invoked his business experience when talking about health care.

“Democrats are talking about health care in the wrong way. As someone who has run a business, I can tell you flat out our current health care system makes it harder to hire, makes it harder to treat people well and give them benefits and makes it harder to switch jobs as Senator Harris says and harder to start a business. If we say look, we’ll get health care off the backs of businesses and families, then watch American entrepreneurship recover.”

“That’s the argument we should be making to the American people,” he added.

8:44 p.m. Gov. Jay Inslee answers for health care in Washington Gov. Jay Inslee speaks to recent health care legislation he signed into law in Washington saying, “I’m proud of our state that has done less squabbling in getting things done and I’m proud we’re the first state to offer a publicly sanctioned offer of health care to our citizens. I’m also proud that we didn’t stop there. We’re also the first state that has taken care of our elders, our seniors. We have a looming retirement wave coming up. I’m proud our state made them eligible to retire in dignity. I think we need to talk more about this as Democrats.”

8:41 p.m.: ‘Friends’ Michael Bennet and Kamala Harris spar over employer-based health care In the middle of fielding several attacks over her “Medicare for All” plan, Sen. Kamala Harris took a moment to respond to one from Sen. Michael Bennet, saying, “With all due respect to my friend Michael Bennett, my plan does not offer anything that is illegal. What it does is it separates the employer from health care meaning that where you work will not be — the kind of health care you get will not be a function of where you work.”

Bennet continued to criticize her, responding, “I have to say if we can’t admit, if we can’t admit tonight what’s in the plan, which is banning employer-based insurance, we won’t be able to admit that when Donald Trump is accusing Democrats of doing that, as well.”

Harris quipped, “We cannot keep with the Republican talking points on this. You got to stop.”

8:39 p.m. Michael Bennet weighs in on Medicare-for-All Sen. Michael Bennet when asked if Medicare-for-All will get President Trump re-elected said, “I agree it makes it much more likely. Unlike others on this stage, I’ve been crystal clear where I’ve been through a decade through two tough races in Colorado. I believe we should finish the job we started with the Affordable Care Act with a public auction that gives everybody in this audience a chance to pick for their family if they want private or public insurance and requires drug companies to be negotiated with by medicare and provides competition.”

8:37 p.m.: Tulsi Gabbard takes a jab at Kamala Harris Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard went on offense against Sen. Kamala Harris for her health care plan, saying, “Kamala Harris talked about Kathleen [Sibelius] that helped write her bill. Sibelius works for a company that stands to profit under her plan. If we’re seeking to reform the health care system, we have to shutout big insurance and pharma say they cannot be on the backs of those sick people in the country that are in desperate need of care.”

But Harris hit back, aiming to correct the congresswoman, asserting, “Unfortunately, Representative Gabbard got it wrong. She did not write my plan, she endorsed it.”

8:35 p.m. Sen. Cory Booker takes aim at Trump Sen. Cory Booker before detailing his own health care plan, takes jabs at President Donald Trump saying, “First of all, let me say that the person that’s enjoying this debate most right now is Donald Trump. We pit Democrats against each other while he is working right now to take away Americans’ health care. There is a court case working through the system that will gut the Affordable Care Act and actually get for preexisting conditions.”

Cory Booker: “The person that’s enjoying this debate the most right now is Donald Trump, as we pit Democrats against each other while he is working right now to take away Americans’ health care” #DemDebate

— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) August 1, 2019 8:34 p.m. Former Vice President Joe Biden defends wanting to expand Affordable Care Act Biden responded to Mayor Bill de Blasio claims that building on the Affordable Care Act is not the best path forward to improving our health care system.

“My response is Obamacare is working,” Biden said. “The way to build this and get to it immediately is to build on Obamacare. Go back and take back all the things that trump took away, provide a public option, meaning every single person in America would be able to buy another option if they didn’t like their employer plan or on Medicaid they would automatically be in the plan.”

8:33 p.m.: Bill de Blasio takes aim at both Biden, Harris In his first opportunity to pitch a national audience of the night, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio immediately took aim at polling frontrunners Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, saying, “I don’t know what the vice president and senator are talking about. The folks I talk to about health insurance say it isn’t working for them. Tens of millions of Americans don’t have health insurance.”

As a lower-polling candidate, de Blasio is seeking a breakout moment.

He continued: “What I hear from union workers and hard-working middle-class people is they wish they had better insurance and are angry at private insurance companies that skim the profits off the top and make it impossible for everyday people to get mental care, dental care.”

8:28 p.m.: Kamala Harris fields first question on her “Medicare For All” plan When asked about former Vice President Joe Biden’s attacks on her healthcare plan, released earlier this week, Sen. Kamala Harris responded, “They are probably confused because they have not read it.”

“The reality is I have been spending time in this campaign listening to American families, listening to experts, listening to health care providers, and what I came away with is a very clear understanding that I needed to create a plan that was responsive to the needs of the American people, responsive to their needs of understanding that insurance companies have been jacking up the prices for far too long.”

Biden then replied, “My response is the senator had several plans so far and any time someone tells you you’re going to get something good in ten years, you should wonder why it takes ten years,” before adding, “you can’t beat President Trump with double talk on this plan.”

Joe Biden criticizes Kamala Harris’ health care plan: “This is the single most important issue facing the public. And to be very blunt and to be very straightforward, you can’t beat President Trump with double talk on this plan” #DemDebate

— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) August 1, 2019 8:25 p.m. The top two candidates on stage close out the opening statements Sen. Kamala Harris said, “This is a moment in time that is requiring us each as individuals and collectively to look in the mirror and ask a question.That question being who are we? And I think most of us know that part of the answer to that question is we are better than this.”

Former Vice President Joe Biden said, “Just look at this stage, made up of diverse people from diverse backgrounds, went on to be mayors, senators, governors, congresswomen, members of the cabinet and yes, even a vice president. Mr. President, this is America. And we are stronger and great because of this diversity, Mr. President, not in spite of it, Mr. President. So Mr. President, let’s get something straight. We love it. We are not leaving it. We are here to stay and we’re certainly not going to leave it to you.”

8:23 p.m.: Cory Booker’s opening statement interrupted by protesters In the middle of his opening statement, Sen. Cory Booker had to briefly pause, amid interrupting protesters, chanting “Black Lives Matter.”

Booker said, “We have serious problems in America. We have deep wounds and seriously deeply rooted challenges. We desperately need to heal as a nation and move forward because we know in this country our fates are united, that we have a common destiny. The call of this election is the call to unite and common cause and common purpose.”

8:18 p.m. The middle-tier candidates make their appeal to voters Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said, “Beating Donald Trump definitely not impossible. We need a nominee who will take on the big fights and win. We need a nominee who doesn’t know the meaning of impossible.”

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said, “I know what patriotism is and I’ve known many great patriots throughout my life and let me tell you this, Donald Trump is not behaving like a patriot. As president I will bring this spirit of real patriotism to the White House, serving the interest of all Americans, not just the rich and powerful.”

Julian Castro said, “I don’t want to make America anything again. I don’t want us to go backward. We’re not going back to the past. We’re not going back where we came from. We’re going to move forward. We’re going to make America better than its ever been in the years to come. Let’s do that together.”

Andrew Yang said, “We need to do the opposite of much of what we’re doing right now and the opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian man who likes math.”

Andrew Yang: “We need to do the opposite of much of what we’re doing right now, and the opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian man who likes math. So let me share the math” #DemDebate

— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) August 1, 2019 8:13 p.m. Candidates make their pitch to voters with their opening statements Mayor Bill de Blasio said, “To the working people of America, tonight I bring you a message of hope. We can make change in this country.”

Michael Bennet said, “Mr. President, kids belong in classrooms, not cages. And they deserve something better than a bully in the White House. Let’s end this three-ring circus in Washington and let’s make this election about reclaiming our future for our kids and our democracy. Empty promises won’t beat Donald Trump, I can.”

Jay Inslee said, ” I am running for president because the people in this room and the Democrats watching tonight are the last best hope for humanity on this planet. If, if we make defeating the climate crisis the top priority of the United States, we will have a fighting chance to save ourselves and our children’s future.”

8:10 p.m.: Joe Biden tells Kamala Harris: ‘Go easy on me, kid’ As Sen. Kamala Harris walked out on stage, greeted by former Vice President Joe Biden, he quietly said to her “go easy on me, kid.”

The moment was picked up by his mic and comes after a contentious moment at the first debate between the two, which was followed by a month of back-and-forth sparring over Biden’s record and Harris’ history as a young prosecutor.

Joe Biden tells Kamala Harris on stage: “Go easy on me, kid” #DemDebate

— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) August 1, 2019 8:05 p.m.: Bill de Blasio to unveil a wealth tax during the debate New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is poised to introduce a wealth tax at Wednesday’s debate, which he says would bring in $3 trillion over 10 years.

In his opening statement, he said: “There are good people on this stage but there are real differences. Joe Biden told wealthy donors that nothing fundamentally would change if he were president. Kamala Harris said she’s not trying to restructure society. Well, I am.”

A protester began shouting as de Blasio neared the end of his opening statement; the protest appears to have ended.

8: 04 p.m.: The candidates take the stage The candidates take the stage in the highly anticipated second night of the debates.

8 p.m.: Debate is getting underway The second night of the second Democratic debates is now underway

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