Relics of modern day saint draws hundreds to El Paso monastery

EL PASO, Texas-- Several holy relics belonging to a modern day saint were made available to the public for veneration on Sunday at the Cristo Rey Monastery.
Otherwise known as 'Padre Pio' the saints gloves, handkerchief and a lock of hair were amongst the revered items that have been under constant guard during a tour of the United States and Canada.
Pope John Paul II was a life long friend Padre Pio and oversaw the granting of his sainthood in 2002.
“As Knights of Columbus, we always pray for life and for the unborn and for peace throughout the world," said Texas Knights on Bikes President Jesus Chavez. "To be in the presence of these relics is historic for me. It is a blessing what our lord has given us.”
El Paso is the only place in all of Texas to be visited by the relics, thanks largely to the efforts of Reverend Bishop Mark Seitz.
Padre Pio was revered as a stigmatist and is also said to have played a role in the miraculous curing at least one terminally ill person.