New Mexico Governor’s office denies sexual abuse allegations made by former staffer

New Mexico - Thursday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham's office denied allegations from an ex-spokesman that Lujan Grisham had sexually mistreated him in 2018.
James Hallinan tweeted on Dec. 25 "A governor @GovMLG is not above the law for her sexual and physical abuse of employees including (me!!!) I'll talk more when I return to the country."
According to the Albuquerque Journal, James Hallinan said he plans to report the incident to law enforcement. Hallinan is quoted in the Albuquerque journal alleging that Lujan Grisham poured a water bottle on his crotch and allegedly grabbed his crotch through his clothes.
Full statement sent to ABC-7 from the Governor's office:
"These allegations of sexual assault are categorically false. No such incidents ever occurred and Hallinan's statements are bizarre and slanderous. The governor has never and would never conduct herself in the manner described. It is a disgracefully false accusation. There were multiple other staff members in the room for the extent of the meeting referenced by Mr. Hallinan and all of them attest to the fact that his accusations of assault are false.
James Hallinan's time on the campaign was marked by frequent and repeated incidents of inappropriate and unprofessional behavior. He continually showed a blatant disregard and disrespect for both campaign leadership and his fellow staff members. His behavior ensured that he was never considered for a position in the governor's administration. Hallinan has played no role whatsoever in the governor's administration and his preposterous accusations are patently absurd."