Turn your idea into cash
EL PASO, Texas (KVIA)--National Road Safety Foundation’s Drive2Life Public Service Announcement Contest, Offers $2,000 prize and an expenses-paid trip to New Work to Work with Emmy-Winning Producer to Create TV Ad that will air Nationally.
The 16th annual Drive2Life PSA Contest, is open for teens (ages 13 to 19) nationwide to submit their ideas for PSA that will air nationwide on more than 160 TV stations on the nationally-syndicated program “Teen Kids News” next May during Global Youth Traffic Safety Month. In addition, two runners-up will each receive $500.
Entries must be received by March 21, 2025 at midnight EST. Entries will be judged by NRSF staff and a blue-ribbon panel of driver education teachers from American Driver & Traffic Safety Education Association (ADTSEA).
"Several years ago, we thought, you know, instead of us adults putting out messages trying to reach young people, let's have young people give us their input because, very often young people don't necessarily listen to us adults or to their parents. But they do listen and pay attention to what their peers say," said David Reich, the director of public relations for National Road Safety Foundation.
Reich says they have never had a winner for Texas. Information such as entry form, prize details and last year’s winning video are available by visiting National Road Safety Foundation