EPISD to hold community meetings about return to school this fall

EL PASO, Texas -- The El Paso Independent School District wants input from parents on how to bring your students back this fall safely.
The district will host two virtual meetings next week on Tuesday, July 13.
EPISD officials said they will discuss their plans on reopening schools for the upcoming school year.
The meetings will also focus on the district's effort to reverse student learning loss due to the pandemic.
The meetings will be conducted via Zoom at noon and 5:30 p.m. on July 13.
To access the noon meeting, please visit:
https://episdorg.zoom.us/j/86913577581?pwd=cW1vMjA5d0pVVW5uTmlUUUZHemI3dz09 or dial 1 346 248
7799 (Meeting ID 869 1357 7581).
To access the 5:30 p.m. meeting, please visit:
https://episdorg.zoom.us/j/86913577581?pwd=cW1vMjA5d0pVVW5uTmlUUUZHemI3dz09 or dial 1 346 248
7799 (Meeting ID 869 1357 7581).
The meetings will be conducted in English and Spanish. American Sign Language interpretation also will be available.