Voting in Las Cruces during the pandemic: Everything you need to know about the 2020 general election

LAS CRUCES, New Mexico -- The voter information below was compiled by ABC-7 using information from the Dona Ana County website, and the New Mexico Secretary of State’s website.
- October 6- Absentee voting begins, and voter registration closes online or by mail. However, a qualified elector may register to vote or update an existing certification of registration in person at the county clerk’s office, or designated alternative voting locations, immediately prior to voting through October 31.
- October 6- Early voting begins at the Dona Ana County Government Center.
- October 17- Early voting begins at alternate voting locations.
- October 20- Deadline to apply for an absentee ballot.
- October 27- The deadline for a UOCAVA (Federal/Overseas) absentee applications to be returned.
- October 31- Early voting ends.
- November 3- Day of the General Election.
How do I register to vote?
- If you have a current or expired New Mexico state I.D. or driver’s license, you can register or update your current registration by clicking here.
- You can use a paper application (English/Spanish) and mail it to your County Clerk’s Office.
- You can request a copy of the paper application be mailed to you by contacting your County Clerk’s Office.
Am I registered to vote?
- To confirm your voter registration status, click here.
Am I eligible to vote?
- You must be a resident of New Mexico and a citizen of the United States.
- A person who has not been denied the right to vote by a court of law due to reason of mental incapacity.
- Not a convicted felon or a felon who has completed all of the terms and conditions of sentencing.
- 18 years or older at the time of the next election.
Do I need an ID when I vote?
- A physical form of identification is only required for first-time New Mexico voters who registered by mail and did not include identification with their voter registration application form. Otherwise, you will be asked to provide a verbal or written statement of identification, including your name, year of birth and registered address.
Who is eligible to vote early?
- Any registered voter may vote early by personal appearance (in person).
Where can I vote early?
- Click here for early voting hours and locations.
Ballot by mail—who qualifies?
- An absentee ballot may be cast by any eligible voter in New Mexico.
- All absentee ballot applications must be received no later than the Thursday immediately prior to the date of the election.
- Click here to view the absentee voter application.
When do I have to return my ballot?
- All ballots must be returned in the provided envelopes by 7 p.m. on Election Day.
What will it cost to mail my ballot?
If I am unable to mail my absentee ballot, who is allowed to drop it off and where?
- Pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 1-6-10.1, a voter, caregiver to that voter or member of that voter’s “immediate family” defined as a person’s spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters may deliver a voter’s absentee ballot to the county clerk in person or by mail.
Where do I vote on November 3?
- Click here for a list of November 3 voting locations.
- These sites will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day.
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