Be Mindful: El Paso woman details managing depression and anxiety
EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) - ABC-7 is putting the spotlight on a local woman who is beating the odds, and finding a way each day to manage depression and anxiety.
When she's not teaching at Liberty University, Sharita Knobloch is raising two beautiful children, and running an organization called 'Mission: Milspouse,' which connects military spouses with resources and support.
Knobloch says she grew up in what she describes as a chronically stressed household, which looking back, was the root of her anxiety.
She says the stress of military life compounded her struggles, eventually leading to an unhealthy relationship with food, and a diagnosis from her doctor of depression and anxiety.
Knobloch gives thanks for every day, and credits her faith in God, coupled with counseling and medications for her newfound healing. She tells ABC-7 that exercise and meditation have also helped.
Tune in Monday, May 15 to watch Knobloch's story, only on ABC-7 at 10. Her story is part of our Be Mindful series.