New app to help curb DWI crashes in Dona Ana County
county may start using the power of technology to help curb d-w-i crashes. abc-7’s josie ortegon reports: “people get used to getting fro point a to point b okay even when they’re under the influence. a lot of people think that. then we have crashes so being able to use this data, can take that away thinking they won’t get caught.” it’s calle the nm crash app. designed for law enforcement, it uses data from the department of transportation on past dwi crashes and applies it to maps officers can view while out patrolling. officers can see the “hotspots” where dwi crash have ocurred and even track where they could happen. “what you wanna do is be able to look at what’s being happening over a period of years with crashes and if you’re able to take this and provide this to law enforcement they can actually see what are the top ranking intersections or stretches of highway for crashes.” helping officers strategically plan where to be. leading to fewer crashes–and safer streets. “when you have limited resource that’s very hard to, this is a very large geographical area.” the app was funded the the resource center with a pricetag of 80-thousand dollars. dona ana county law enforecement agencies will be testing the app free of charge for the next couple of months. and if it works–hopefully implement it permanently. “i think that once we get moving forward to see what the advantages are, to proactively implement it, to plan for what would be our saturation patrols or dwi checkpoints.” jo, abc7. the man credited with expanding el paso’s county hospital …