UPDATE: Bridge of the Americas back to normal after being blocked by protestors
A group of protestors stopped traffic on the Mexican side of the Bridge of the Americas for about two hours.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman Roger Maier said the protest has cleared, and traffic and operations have returned to normal.
An El Diario de Juarez photo showed one person holding a sign protesting the gasoline price hike in Mexico.
XHIJ Channel 44 news director, Edgar Roman, told ABC-7 the protestors were farmers, ranchers and private citizens lead by members of El Barzon, a human rights organization.
Reports of demonstrators blocking the bridge started at about 6 a.m.
Ruben Jauregui, a Chief Customs and Border Protection officer, confirmed the group of people let traffic only through one lane.
Jauregui confirmed all activity was on the Mexican side.