Seasonal affective disorder negatively affects your body and mind
EL PASO, Texas - Seasonal affective disorder can take all of your energy and cause depression once the fall and winter season rolls around. You can also get a mild version known as the “winter blues.”
These mood changes can affect how a person feels, thinks, and handles daily activities. Symptoms can include oversleeping, overeating, and social withdrawal. Symptoms usually last about 4 to 5 months per year.
Some ways to help with seasonal depression are by joining social activities, sticking to a schedule, and exercising. Another great way to help against seasonal depression is by going outside in the sunshine when you can.
It is normal to have days where you feel down. It is when you feel down for days at a time and can’t get motivated to do activities you normally enjoy, is when it is best to see your healthcare provider. Especially if you are seeing your sleep pattern and appetite change, or you feel hopeless.