New Development In West El Paso Moving Mountains
EL PASO, TX. – Ground has been broken on a massive new West side development.
Builders are now moving a small mountain to get it done. The new development is located off of Mesa Street near Castellano and just north of Argonaut. Manyresidents especially on the west side, have probably seen exactly whatthe buzz isabout. The project has been going on for over a month and is going to take many more months to bringa mountain down.
EPTLand Communities, a relatively new company in El Paso, has begun the process. The800,000 to1 million cubic yards of dirt will be used as filler to bring the area off of Mesa Street up to street level. Approximately100 acres will be developed and it will include about200 moderate to upper-end homes, which will be built.
30%of the area will be used for commercial development and there will also be space for a new school. The area is expected to become extremely popular because, according to the developer, Wal-Mart is set to build a store in the area soon. But first, the massive mountain dividing the upper and lower ends of north Mesa must come down to clear the way and provide a new base for that development.
That’s expected to take another six to eight months. “Right now, we’ve simply started to move dirt. We’ve got somewhere between 800 thousand and a million cubic yards of dirt to move, so we’re just now getting started,” said EPT Land Communities spokesman, David Bogas.