EPCC Notifies Students Of Breach Into School’s Server
Officials at El Paso Community College said that there was a breach into a public facing web server and students’ names, addresses, dates of birth and student ID numbers were compromised
EPPC said it has taken immediate action and secured the systems and have turned all the information over to the FBI Cyber Crime unit. They learned of the hacking on Oct. 28.
As a precautionary measure, EPCC has notified students who may have been affected. EPCC officials could not say how many students have been affected, but did say it was only current students and no faculty.
When asked if EPCC scrambles Social Security numbers or other identifiable information, EPCC said the, “IT department makes every effort to ensure sensitive information is secure.”
Because the FBI investigation is ongoing, EPCC could not disclose any information about how it learned about the hacking.