El Pasoans joined people across the country Marching for rights
EL PASO, Texas (KVIA)-- Today the El Paso community came together for the El Paso Rally & Women’s March. The diverse group of participants focused on the importance of protecting the rights of a variety of topics such as:
- Women’s health rights
- Public education rights
- Voter rights
- People’s rights
- Veterans’ rights
- LGBTQ rights
- Immigrant rights
- Everyone’s health rights
- Worker’s Rights
- Disabled Americans
Rights - Mental Health Rights
"This is about making sure that we speak up about our constitutional rights," said attendee Emma Acosta.
The March started at Enrique Moreno County Courthouse, while carrying signs that read, "We will never go back" and "We keep fighting for the future" the group Marched to San Jacinto Plaza in Downtown El Paso.
Rep. Veronica Escobar, County Judge Ricardo Samaniego and City Rep Josh Acevedo were among the speakers advocating for these critical issues impacting the community.
Bob Pena, GOP Chairman of Precinct 21 says he agrees protecting women's rights are important and he believes under the Trump administration women's rights will be more protected than before.
"When you talk about health rights, for women, that includes not being raped as they're coming up through Mexico, not being put into sex slavery when they are in the United States.Those are important women's health rights. Those are things that the Republican Party is pushing for," Pena said.