Unveiling Ceremony of Benito Juarez Statue takes place Sunday

EL PASO, Texas– Happening Sunday a bronze statue of Mexican President Benito Juárez will be unveiled at Chamizal National Memorial in South-Central El Paso.
The project is a way to celebrate the rich history of Paso Del Norte. To do this there are plans to create 12 sculptures of historical figures that had an impact in shaping the region. They will be placed throughout the area.
The statue being placed Sunday will honor one of Mexico's most iconic leaders and the man who the city of Juarez is named after, President Benito Juarez.
The statue of Benito Juarez will also serve as a corresponding gesture to Mexico's 1964 installment of a bronze Abraham Lincoln statue that was placed near Parque Chamizal in El Paso's sister city.
The ceremony festivities are open to the public and attendees will be able to enjoy live performances by regional talent.
“Benito Juárez, Child to Man” Unveiling Ceremony begins at 1p.m.