Sun Bowl Association, District Attorney provide free, safe rides on New Year’s Eve

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) - The Sun Bowl Association and the District Attorney's office partnered to provide family friendly and safe entertainment to El Paso families, and free rides home to those who may celebrate
"We want people to have a good time. It's not a crime to drink alcohol. It's not a crime to have fun, but it is a crime to get behind the wheel if you've had too much," said newly elected District Attorney James Montoya during Sunday's Tony the Tiger Sun Bowl teams announcement.
The District Attorney's office secured a grant from Tx DOT that will help provide 800 Uber vouchers for free safe rides home.
It's part of their Pick Your Ride Program and starts at 10 a.m. on New Year's Eve until the vouchers run out.
"They will last until 5 a.m. January 1st, New Year's Day, and so you don't have to be at the game to use them," added Montoya.
The vouchers are worth up to $20 worth of a free Uber ride that can be accessed through a QR code that is available on the District Attorney's social media page and the Sun Bowl Association social media platforms.
"We want people to use this, you know, nobody wants to be in a crash. No one wants to kill someone. You know, because of what they've done that day, this is 100% preventable," Montoya said. "We want people to make a plan. You know, if you go out and you have a good time and your thinking is impaired by then it's a little late. We want people to make a plan to get home before they go out."