Road closures in El Paso County, Las Cruces for the week of November 4 to 8

EL PASO, Texas -- From west to east El Paso, to Southern New Mexico there's a construction project in almost every part of the Borderland. Here's a complete list of TxDOT's and Las Cruces road closures November 4 to November 8.
I-10 widening west closures
Sunday, November 3, from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
- I-10 East will be reduced to one lane between Redd Road and Thorn Avenue.
Crews will be placing concrete pavement
Sunday, November 3, through Tuesday, November 5
9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
- I-10 East and West will be reduced to one lane at Los Mochis Drive
- Intermittent complete closures of I-10 East and West are possible at this time.
Crews will be placing bridge beams.
Monday, November 4, through Saturday, November 9
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- I-10 East and West will be reduced to one lane between Vinton Road and Transmountain Road as needed.
Crews will be working on retaining walls.
Monday, November 4, through Saturday, November 9
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- I-10 East and West will be reduced to one lane between Mesa Street and Redd Road.
Crews will be conducting earth work.
Wednesday, November 6, and Thursday, November 7
9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
- I-10 East will be closed at Redd Road
DETOUR: Take Exit 9 (Redd Road), continue on South Desert Boulevard, and re-enter I-10 past Mesa Street.
Crews will be installing bridge beams.
Sunday, November 10
9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
- I-10 West will be closed at Mesa Street
DETOUR: Take Exit 11 (SH 20/Mesa Street/Thorn Avenue), continue on North Desert Boulevard, and re-enter I-10 past Redd Road.
Crews will be installing bridge beams.
Widening Phase 2
Monday, 11/04/24, through Friday, 11/08/24
Daily 9am-4pm
- Right lane closure on IH-10 EB from Anthony to Nashua Rd
Crews will be milling and conducting asphalt placement.
Thursday, 11/07/24
- Full closure on IH-10 EB from Anthony NM to Transmountain Rd.
Crews will be placing barrier and striping from New Mexico State Line to Anthony TX
All traffic will exit at NM404 (Anthony, NM), turn right on NM404 (Ohara Rd), turn left on NM460 (Anthony Dr), and proceed towards Doniphan Dr, turn left on Vinton Rd, and proceed towards South Desert to re-enter IH-10 EB on the Vinton On-Ramp.
Saturday, 11/09/24 at 3am through Monday, 11/11/24 at 6am (51 HRS)
- Full closure on IH-10 EB from Anthony TX to Transmountain Rd.
Crews will be placing barrier and striping.
All traffic to exit at Anthony TX, proceed on South. Desert Blvd through the Anthony and Vinton Intersections, and re-enter IH-10 EB at the Los Mochis on-ramp, (before Transmountain Rd).
Guardrail Repair Project
Monday, November 4
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
- LP 375 (Transmountain) eastbound between Main Gap and Picnic tables left lane closed
Tuesday, November 5
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Loop 375 (Transmountain) westbound between Border Patrol Museum and Main Gap right lane closed
Wednesday, November 6
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
- I-10 eastbound between Sunland Park and Mesa Park right lane closed
Thursday, November 7
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- sh20 westbound from Vinton to Valley Chile right lane closed
Crews will be working on guardrail.
Flexible Pavement
Monday, November 4 through Friday, November 8
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Loop 375 (Border Highway) westbound between Fonseca and Coles alternate lane closures
Crews will be repairing asphalt.
Spall Repair Project
Sunday, November 3 through Thursday, November 7
9 p.m. to 6 a.m. (Nightly)
- I-10 eastbound between Schuster overpass and McRae overpass alternate lane closures
Crews will be working on spall repairs
ITS INFRA at Zaragoza/BOTA Port of Entry (ON-SYS)
Monday, November 4
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Loop 375 east- and westbound at San Marcial right lane and right shoulder closed
Tuesday, November 5
- Loop 375 westbound at San Marcial right lane and right shoulder closed
- Loop 375 eastbound at San Marcial left lane and left shoulder closed
Wednesday, November 6 and Thursday, November 7
- Eastbound Paisano right turn lane at San Antonio closed
- Right lane eastbound on Paisano between San Antonio and Gateway South closed
Crews will be working on the installation ITS equipment.
Sunday, November 3
5 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- US-54 southbound CD lanes between Pershing and Montana exit complete freeway closure
Detour: US-54 south main lanes or Montana exit
- Trowbridge entrance ramp to US-54 south closed
- IH-10 west at Copia exit ramp closed
- Boone Street southbound at Yandell complete closure
Monday, November 4 and Friday, November 8
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- FM-3255 (Martin Luther King) northbound between Fire Department Station (MM 312) and New Mexico State Line (MM308) right shoulder closed.
Crews will be working on shoulder.
- US-85 Paisano southbound between Spur 1966 and Yandell right lane closed
Crews will be working on the drain.
SH 20 Alameda Mill and Inlay Project
Sunday, November 3 to Friday, November 8
Nightly, 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.
- Alameda Avenue (SH-20) east- and westbound alternate lane closures between Padres Drive and Glenwood Court
Crews will be milling, paving, and installing pavement markings.
SH 20 Raised Medians Project
Sunday, November 3 to Friday, November 8
Nightly, 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. and Daily, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Alameda Avenue (SH-20) east- and westbound inside lane closures between Rio Vista Road and Passmore Road
Crews will be installing concrete medians and electrical items.
SL 375 Mill and Inlay Project
Sunday, November 3 to Thursday, November 7
Nightly, 7:30 p.m. to 6 a.m.
- Joe Battle Boulevard (frontage road) north- and southbound alternating lane closures between Pellicano Drive and Montana Avenue
- Traffic will be reduced to one lane in work areas.
Crews will be pouring concrete sidewalks in the shoulders and striping at intersections controlled by Temporary Traffic Signals.
Sidewalk Project
Monday, October 28 until further notice
Daily, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Americas Avenue (frontage road) northbound alternating lane closures from Zaragoza Road to Pan American Drive
Crews will be removing ramps and constructing sidewalks and ramps.
Districtwide Metal Beam Guard Fence Project
Monday, November 4 through Friday, November 8
Daily, 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
- IH 10 east- and westbound alternating shoulder, and lane closures between Horizon Boulevard and 3.3 miles east of Fabens Road
Crews will be working on metal beam guard fence.
I 10 Landscape & Aesthetics Project
Monday, November 3 to Friday, November 8
Daily, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- I-10 eastbound at Lee Trevino underpass right lane and shoulder closure.
- Gateway East Boulevard at Lee Trevino Drive left lane closed.
Crews will be removing concrete riprap.
Monday, October 28 to Friday, November 1
Daily, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- I-10 westbound at Lee Trevino underpass right lane and shoulder closure.
Crews will be removing concrete riprap.