Group forms in hopes of stopping City Hall’s destruction
Despite the plan that’s in motion to tear down City Hall, protesters vow it’s not going down without a fight.
They gathered outside City Hall Monday morning to protest City Council’s decision to build a ballpark Downtown.
It’s called the Occupy City Hall movement. The occupiers argue that building a ballpark and tearing down City Hall are decisions that should have been left up to voters.
The group is collecting signatures in hopes of overturning the vote that was made by City Council in June:
“This is a private venture and what we’re asking don’t play with our tax dollars. if you’re going to do that please allow us to vote, have a say on it. and this was streamlined … we weren’t allowed to have a voice and whether we wanted the stadium or not,” said Xavier Miranda, of the Occupy City Hall movement.
The group has also expressed opposition to the recently approved $468 million quality of life bond election. The group said voters should be allowed to pick the bond projects individually.