All Survive Plane Crash Near Anthony Gap
A small, single-engine plane crashed near the Texas-New Mexico border shortly before 11 a.m. on Wednesday.
The crash was in a mountainous area east of the roadway which was not immediately accessible by emergency vehicles. Search and rescue resources were mobilized and utilized to gain access and to provide the occupants with emergency medical treatment and transport to hospital facilities.
The three occupants of the plane have been identified as Lieutenant/Pilot Arron Smith, Age 43; Game Warden Kenneth Zuber, Age 48; and Game Warden Hallie Dacy, Age 29.
New Mexico State Police and the Federal Aviation Administration will coordinate the investigation of the crash and information will be made available upon completion of the investigation. Authorities said no information is available at this time regarding the identity or specific conditions of any occupant.
State Road 404 from the intersection of State Road 213 to Interstate 10 has been reopened.