270 immigrants flown to El Paso to be processed, released
Two flights carrying 135 immigrants a piece, most of them families from North American countries other than Mexico, landed in El Paso Saturday to be processed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement,
Federal officials said it’s because detention centers are too full in south Texas, where most of them were discovered. El Paso’s not the only city taking in immigrations for processing, either.
Information is limited at this time. ABC-7 was told Border Patrol still has custody of the hundreds of immigrants, before they’re turned over to ICE, who will release them to shelters and other groups.
Multiple federal officials have confirmed the information, but none were willing to go on camera Sunday.
A spokeswoman from Homeland Security Investigations/Immigration and Customs Enforcement says, “Upon completion of CBP processing, CBP is transferring certain individuals to U.S. ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations, where appropriate custody determinations will be made on a case by case basis, prioritizing national security and public safety.”
We’ve been told that many of the immigrants brought here from south Texas are going to be spending time here at the Annunciation House. Matter of fact while ABC-7 was at the shelter Sunday looking for comment, a family from El Salvador was being dropped off.
The shelter is holding a press conference on Monday to talk about assistance plans.