Lending a helping hand to El Paso’s less fortunate
EL PASO, Texas -- Agape Ministry with El Paso's First Baptist church has been helping the less fortunate of the El Paso community for the past ten years. Officials at the ministry say that they bring meals, worship, and hope to the homeless population and migrant workers in downtown El Paso.
Officials and volunteers of the ministry visit the corner of ninth street each Sunday. A group of roughly 20-30 volunteers bring food, clothing items and toiletries.
Additionally, the coordinator of the ministry, Mark Sida, said “We have prayer time, we have sermons, we share scripture. We have a lot of fellowship and we just get to meet these people and they become our family.”
He said he seen lives transformed as a result of this outreach throughout these years.
“Well, we have been very blessed to see some of these people get off of the street. They have gotten reconciled with their family. They restore their relationships and gotten off of drugs and alcohol.”
Sida says that on a regular weekly basis they help between 40-90 people.
Sida said they are always accepting donations including water, food items, clothing and toiletries.
Those interested in volunteering or donating items can reach out to First Baptist Church at (915)-533-1465.