US DOT awards RAISE transportation grants to El Paso, Socorro

EL PASO, TEXAS (KVIA) -- The U.S. Department of Transportation has awarded two Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants, with $1.7 million for the City of Socorro and $750,000 in funding to the City of El Paso.
In a release Friday, El Paso Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-TX) announced the awarding of the grants and her advocacy for them. Socorro’s grant will go to the planning and design of street improvements for approximately 2.17 miles of Moon Road, while the City of El Paso’s grant will fund a feasibility study for the expansion of Sun Metro's Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service along the Montana Brio Corridor.
The RAISE grants are awarded annually in a competition in which hundreds of applications are submitted to build and repair critical pieces of the nation’s transportation networks.