Texan mailed unsolicited plant

AUSTIN, Texas (KVIA)-- Commissioner Sid Miller is asking Texans to "remain vigilant and report unknown seed, liquid, and plant deliveries."
Today, Miller is reporting that the Texas Department of Agriculture has collected 311 unsolicited seed packages across 64 locations, along with a live plant being mailed unsolicited to a Texas resident. He is urging Texans not to panic is a package you weren't expecting arrives at your door, but do proceed with caution if the contents are unfamiliar.
“Texans need to be aware of the dangers of opening unsolicited packages left at their doorstep,” Commissioner Miller stated. “We must stay vigilant and not assume that every package contains harmless plant material. Although many of these seeds are not listed as noxious plants by the federal government, they still pose a significant national biosecurity threat that should not be overlooked.”
According to the TDA, this is apart of the recent wave of "mystery seed deliveries" that started sweeping across the nation in 2020.
The USDA has classified these deliveries as part of a "brushing scam," which is when a retailer sends inexpensive items to people who did order them, then posts reviews on their behalf. Brushing scams are illegal in the United States.
The TDA is asking, "if you receive any unsolicited package containing seeds, liquids, or live plants, do not open it. Keep the contents sealed in their original packaging and immediately contact the TDA toll-free at (800) TELL-TDA."