Deadline nears for public input on a regional flood plan
EL PASO, Texas - The Upper Rio Grande Regional Flood Planning Group has put together a draft regional flood plan and is asking for public input.
The plan includes projects to prevent or manage flooding priorities in those communities highly impacted by excessive rain.
The group will take public input until Oct. 14, 2022.
Region 14 encompasses El Paso, Hudspeth and Culberson counties. It also includes 20 other West Texas Counties.
 "Thankfully, not the only chance but with recent rains and last year's freak storms, we want to give people an opportunity to tell us their stories. Some people have lost homes. The regional flood planning process is repeated every five years," said Omar Martinez/Chair URGRFPG. "So this is property, had to pay for repairs, things like that. And because we are targeting billions of dollars in state funding through this effort, we need people's input."
Only projects listed in the 2023 State Flood Plan are eligible for funding support through the Texas Water Development Board's flood infrastructure fund.
To add your input, you can e-mail or call 915-533-0998.