New York Times best-selling author visits SISD students
SOCORRO, Texas (KVIA) -- New York Times best-selling author, Neal Shusterman, shared his writing process and experiences with middle and high school students from across the SISD district today.
The best-selling author went to El Dorado and Eastlake high school. Shusterman has written more than 35 novels. His book “game changer” is in discussions for a Netflix series and the book ‘dry’, which SISD students are reading, is in development with Paramount Pictures for a film adaptation.
The librarian who helped organize the presentation says they want to make sure the students get many opportunities to experience life beyond the classroom. "I think they were very excited when they heard that they were actually going to get to be in this presentation because it was like something that kind of took it beyond the classroom" said Lucy Johnson, librarian at El Dorado high