‘A man who drew his nourishment from this region’; El Paso celebrates Tom Lea month with in-person and virtual events
EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- October is a time to recognize local writer and artist Tom Lea, who spent much of his career showcasing the Borderland region.
The Tom Lea Institute hosts events each year to honor him. This year, events will be in-person and online. They will continue through February. This year's theme is "Amistad: The Rich Relationships of Tom Lea."
"He wasn't trying to go outside of El Paso and appeal to people he didn't know. All of his opportunities came from his friends and close relationships on both sides of the border," said Adair Margo, Founder of the Tom Lea Institute.
The first event of the month will be "Herbs and Healing for your Friends" on October 3. A full schedule of events can be found here.
"It's about exploring our region through the eyes of Tom Lea, a man who drew his nourishment from this region and accomplished so much," Margo said.