Trump’s doctor releases memo on President’s health after surprise weekend hospital visit

President Donald Trump’s physician released a memorandum Monday night stating the President’s recent visit to Walter Reed National Military Center was a “routine, planned interim checkup.”
The news comes days after Trump’s trip to the hospital outside Washington drove speculation about the President’s health because it did not follow routine protocol for a presidential medical exam.
“This past Saturday afternoon the President traveled up to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for a routine, planned interim checkup as part of the regular, primary preventative care he receives throughout the year,” Physician to the President Dr. Sean Conley said. “Due to scheduling uncertainties, the trip was kept off the record.”
Conley states that “despite some of the speculation, the President has not had any chest pain, nor was he evaluated or treated for any urgent or acute issues.”
“Specifically, he did not undergo any specialized cardiac or neurologic evaluations,” he said.
The memorandum comes after medical staff at Walter Reed did not get a staff-wide notice about a presidential visit to the medical center in Bethesda, Maryland, ahead of Trump’s arrival, according to a person familiar with the matter.
Typically, Walter Reed’s medical staff would get a general notice about a “VIP” visit ahead of a presidential visit, notifying them of certain closures at the facility. That did not happen this time, indicating the visit was non-routine and scheduled last minute.
The source said it was possible that a small group of doctors involved in Trump’s medical exams were notified before Trump arrived at Walter Reed, but that all medical staff at Walter Reed would typically be aware if the President were arriving for a routine medical exam.
Conley said in a statement earlier this year that Trump was in “very good health” after a full physical examination.
“While the reports and recommendations are being finalized, I am happy to announce the President of the United States is in very good health,” he said, “and I anticipate he will remain so for the duration of his Presidency, and beyond.”
In that exam, Trump weighed 243 pounds, 4 pounds more than the previous year. His blood pressure was measured as 118/80, and results showed he had increased his daily dose of rosuvastatin, a medication used to treat high cholesterol, according to the exam results.
Last year’s exam revealed that Trump has a common form of heart disease and high cholesterol.