Thousands of El Pasoans cast their ballot for day one of early voting

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA)- According to county officials, early voter turnout was about 2,000 across the city as of Monday afternoon.
"This is the usual pace that we see,” said Melissa Martin, El Paso County Elections Information and Resources Coordinator. “But we're hoping that compared to previous uniform elections, we'll see a little bit more voter turnout,” she said.
As ABC-7 has been reporting, there are 11 propositions on the ballot for this special election.
Those are propositions A through K and include topics such as leases, staffing, and petition processes.
Proposition K, also known as the climate charter, has received the most attention from El Pasoans.
It is a citizen-led petition to add climate policy to the city charter.
Martin said her office has received calls about the propositions from the public.
“The calls that we're getting a lot are pertaining to the City of El Paso propositions, I just want to remind voters that the propositions are only for those registered voters that belong to the City of El Paso,” she said.
Martin also said if voters want more information as to the language on the ballot call 311 to get more information.
The city has 28 early voting locations, for a complete list, click here.