Road closures in El Paso County, Las Cruces for the week of April 22 to 26

EL PASO, Texas -- From west to east El Paso, to Southern New Mexico there's a construction project in almost every part of the Borderland. Here's a complete list of TxDOT's and Las Cruces road closures April 22 to April 26. For updates in El Paso, click here. (
For a look at more information from TxDOT, click here. ( For updates in Las Cruces, click here. (
I-10 Widening West
Saturday, April 20 at 9pm, through Monday, April 22 at 6am
- Westbound I-10 will be closed to all traffic from David Road to Vinton Road
- North Desert Boulevard will be reduced to one lane at David Road.
- DETOUR: Continue on North Desert Boulevard and re-enter I-10 past Vinton.
Crews will be placing bridge deck.
Monday, April 22, through Saturday, April 27, From 8am to 4pm
- Westbound I-10, which is detoured onto North Desert Boulevard, will be reduced to one lane between Enchanted Hills Drive and David Road.
Crews will be working on a retaining wall.
Monday, April 22, from 9pm to 5am
- Eastbound I-10 will be closed to all traffic from Vinton Road to Transmountain Road.
- Los Mochis Drive will be closed to all traffic at South Desert Boulevard.
- DETOUR: Take Exit 2 (Spur 37/Vinton Road/Westway Drive), turn right on Vinton Road, turn left on SH 20 (Doniphan Drive), left on Talbot Avenue, right on South Desert Boulevard.
Crews will be re-opening eastbound I-10 to two lanes between Vinton and Transmountain.
Tuesday, April 23, from 9pm to 5am
- Eastbound I-10 will be closed to all traffic from Transmountain Road to Redd Road.
- South Desert Boulevard will be reduced to one lane from Artcraft Road to Redd Road.
- DETOUR: Continue on South Desert Boulevard, re-enter I-10 past Redd Road.
- Westbound Transmountain Road will be closed to all traffic at Northwestern Drive. (Beginning at 7pm)
- DETOUR: Take Exit 11B (Northwestern Drive/Resler Drive), continue on the Frontage Road, and re-enter the main lanes past Northwestern.
Crews will be removing concrete safety barriers.
Beginning on Wednesday, April 24, at 5am
- The direct connector ramp from westbound Transmountain Road to eastbound I-10 will re-open to traffic.
Wednesday, April 24, from 9pm to 5am
- South Desert Boulevard will be closed to all traffic between Redd Road and Thorn Avenue.
- The turnaround from North Desert Boulevard to South Desert Boulevard at Redd Road will be closed to all traffic.
- S DESERT DETOUR: Turn right on Redd Road, turn left on SH 20 (Doniphan Drive), turn left on Mesa Street, turn right on South Desert Boulevard.
Crews will be placing concrete safety barriers.
Thursday, April 25, from 9pm to 5am
- North Desert Boulevard will be closed to all traffic between Thorn Avenue and Redd Road.
- DETOUR TO REDD ROAD: Continue on westbound I-10, take Exit 8 (SH 178/Artcraft Road), turn left on Artcraft, turn left on South Desert, continue to Redd Road.
Crews will be placing concrete safety barriers.
Friday, April 26 at 9pm, through Monday, April 29, at 9am
- Eastbound and westbound I-10 will be reduced to one lane between Redd Road and Artcraft Road.
- Redd Road will be closed to all traffic between North Desert Boulevard and South Desert Boulevard.
- WESTBOUND REDD ROAD DETOUR: Turn right on North Desert, turn left on Artcraft, turn right on Redd Road.
- EASTBOUND REDD ROAD DETOUR: Turn right on South Desert, turn left on Thorn, turn left on right on Redd Road.
Crews will begin preparing to widen the Redd Road overpass.
Monday, April 29, and Tuesday, April 30, from 9pm to 5am
- The off-ramp from westbound I-10 to Artcraft Road will be closed to all traffic.
- DETOUR: Take the Redd Road exit and remain on North Desert Boulevard.
Crews will be placing concrete pavement.
Guardrail Repair
Monday, April 22
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- I-10 eastbound between Resler and Sunland Park left lane closed.
Tuesday, April 23
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Gateway North between Cassidy and Fred Wilson left lane closed.
- US-54 northbound between Pershing and Cassidy right lane closed.
Wednesday, April 24
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- US-54 southbound at Ramp K right lane closed.
Thursday, April 25
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- US-54 southbound between Diana and Hondo Pass right lane closed.
Friday, April 26
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- US-54 northbound between Sun Valley and MLK right lane closed.
- Sun Valley entrance ramp to US-54 North closed.
Crews will be working on guardrail repairs.
Spall Repair
Sunday, April 21
9:00 p.m. to 5 a.m. (Night)
- US-54 northbound between Cassidy and Broaddus three right lanes and complete Fred Wilson ramp closure.
Monday, April 22
9 p.m. to 5 a.m. (Night)
- Loop 375 westbound right lane closed to connecting ramp to US-54 northbound, complete ramp closure.
Thursday, April 23
9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. (Night)
- Loop 375 eastbound right lane closed to connecting ramp to US-54 northbound complete ramp closure.
Crews will be repairing spall.
North Mesa Street Rehabilitation Project
Sunday, April 21
8 p.m. to 5 a.m. (Night)
- Mesa northbound between Resler and Colony Cove alternate lane closures.
Crews will be milling and repaving.
Monday, April 22 through Friday, April 26
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. (Nightly)
- Mesa north- and southbound between Camille and Resler alternate lane closures.
- Mesa north- and southbound between Resler and Colony Cove alternate lane closures.
Crews will be milling and repaving.
North Mesa Street Lighting Improvement Project
Monday, April 22 through Friday, April 26
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Mesa north- and southbound between Executive and Sunland Park alternate lane closures.
- Mesa north- and southbound between I-10 and Doniphan alternate lane closures.
Crews will be boring for electrical conduit, pouring drill shaft foundations, potholing, and installing new lighting poles.
North Mesa Street Traffic Signal Improvements Project
Monday, April 22 through Friday, April 26
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Mesa north- and southbound at Resler intersection right lane closed.
- Mesa north- and southbound at Camille intersection right lane closed.
- Montana east- and westbound at McRae intersection right lane closed.
Crews will be working on intersection improvements.
I-10 Mill and Inlay Between Mesa and Sunland Park Project
Monday, April 22
7:30 p.m. – 6 a.m. (Night)
- I-10 westbound at Sunland Park full closure.
- Detour: Using CD lanes at Exit 13 toward Sunland Park / Resler. Eastbound not affected.
Tuesday, April 23
7:30 p.m. – 6 a.m. (Night)
- I-10 westbound at Sunland Park lane and ramp closed.
- Detour: Using on-ramp and continue through CD lanes. Westbound not affected.
Crews will be working on mill and inlay.
Traffic Signal Improvements Project
Monday, April 22 through Friday, April 26
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Paisano and Gateway intersection between Gateway West and Gateway East alternate lane closures.
- North Lee Trevino between Trawood and Montwood alternate lane closures.
Crews will be working on traffic signal improvements.
Bridge Rehab at Executive & Geronimo Project
Monday, April 22 through Wednesday, April 24
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- I-10 west- and eastbound at Trowbridge underpass closed.
- Note: Office will be directing traffic at the intersection.
Crews will be repairing damaged bridge girder.
Mesa Street at Belvidere Street Improve Traffic Signals Project
Monday, April 22 through Friday, April 26
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Mesa at Belvidere east- and westbound alternate lane closures.
- Alameda north- and southbound alternate lane closures.
- Delta east- and westbound alternate lane closures.
Crews will be potholing and boring to line locate.
Green Ribbon Project
Monday, April 22 through Friday, April 26
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Montana east- and westbound between Airway and McRae left lane closed.
Crews will be installing new landscape.
Monday, April 22 through Friday, April 26
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- I-10 westbound at Airways exit closed.
- Gateway West between Hawkins and Westmoreland left lane closed.
Crews will be installing signs.
- Buffalo Soldier between Gateway East- and West closed.
Crews will be working on bridge.
Purple Heart Loop 375 Widening
Monday, April 01 through Tuesday, April 30
Daily, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Purple Heart Highway (SL 375) north- and southbound left inside lane closure between Montana Avenue and Spur 601.
Crews will be hauling out material in and out of the median.
Loop 375 Widening Project
Saturday April 20
7:00 am until 4:00 pm
- Americas Highway (LP375) SBML at Pan American Rd. Overpass to Zaragoza Entrance Ramp left lane.
- Americas Ave. (frontage road) SBML Pan American Rd. Entrance Ramp.
Crews will be working on asphalt placement operations for roadway.
Monday, April 22, through Friday, April 25
Nightly, from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.
- Americas Highway (SL 375) south- and northbound main lane closure between North Loop Overpass and Zaragoza (P.O.E) Overpass.
- Zaragoza, Pan American and South Americas Truck (P.O.E) and North Loop Underpass alternating complete closures.
Crews will be working on installing bridge structures, bridge deck, and concrete barriers.
Monday, April 22, through Friday, April 26
Daily, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Americas Highway (SL 375) south- and northbound alternating left lane closure between, Socorro Overpass and Zaragoza Overpass.
- Americas Avenue (frontage road) south- and northbound Zaragoza and South Americas Underpass, north to south and south to north turnarounds.
- Americas Avenue (frontage road) northbound between Ivey Road and North Loop Road right lane.
- Americas Avenue (frontage road) northbound between South Americas Road (Truck P.O.E.) and Southside Road, right lane.
- Americas Avenue (frontage road) north- to southbound turnaround at Pan American Underpass.
- Americas Avenue (frontage road) east- to westbound median at Zaragoza Underpass alternating left lanes.
Crews will be working on removing bridge accessories, installing sidewalk, installing new drainage, installing traffic camera, and truck access.
Continuous closure from Saturday, April 27, through Monday, April 29
Daily, from 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.
- Americas Highway (SL 375) northbound main lane closure between Yarbrough Boulevard and Pan American Road Overpass, traffic detour at Yarbrough Boulevard, northbound exit ramp.
- Americas Highway (SL 375) southbound main lane closure between Pan American entrance ramp and Zaragoza Road (P.O.E.), traffic detour at Zaragoza Road.
- Americas Avenue (frontage road) northbound Zaragoza Road exit ramp.
- Americas Avenue (frontage road) southbound Zaragoza Road entrance ramp.
- Americas Avenue (frontage road) northbound Pan American exit ramp.
- Americas Avenue (frontage road) southbound Pan America entrance ramp.
Crews will be performing a traffic switch-over/construction detour with expected 48 hour closure.
Continuous closure from Wednesday, April 24 through Friday, April 26
Daily, from 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.
- Americas Highway (SL 375) southbound left lane closure from North Loop Road Overpass to UPRR Overpass.
Crews will be allowing bridge deck to cure.