Prominent member of prosecution team in state case against accused El Paso Walmart shooter resigns
EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- A prominent member of the El Paso District Attorney's team in the prosecution of the accused Walmart shooter Patrick Crusius, has left her position in the state case against him. ABC-7 confirmed the development with DA Bill Hicks.
Principal Trial Chief Loretta Hewitt resigned Monday.
Hicks said he does not anticipate any impacts to the case due to the change, and announced that Rebecca Tarango will be stepping into the role.
"It doesn't impact the case from the from the beginning of my appointment as the District Attorney. The number one priority was to get the Walmart case ready for trial. And it is still ready for trial. It was ready for trial earlier this month. It is still ready for trial whenever the judge sets us for trial. We will be ready," Hicks said.
Hicks confirmed his office will be bringing in an attorney from New York to work under Tarango.