Otero prison hosted an appreciation banquet to thank the religious volunteers

CHAPARRAL, New Mexico (KVIA) ---The Otero County Prison Facility hosted a banquet to thank religious volunteers. The volunteers offer services to the men and women at the facility. Over 15 volunteers from different religious entities attended the banquet held at one of the recreational gyms of the facility on Tuesday.
Chaplain Townsend, Deputy Warden Deloris Simmons, and other staff members organized the annual event. “When we do things for the creator we realize that we’re doing something good for him, especially when we come to a facility where many people made poor decisions in life or were at the wrong place at the wrong time” Chaplain Townsend expressed during the ceremony. “To be a volunteer and lead people in the right direction is a gift; I appreciate each of you who is here.”
Warden Rios also addressed the volunteers: “From the bottom of my heart, and I know I speak on behalf of Deputy Wardens Simmons and Chapa, we thank you all for the work you do, for dedicating your own time to these men and women.” Warden Rios said.