Final City Council session of 2024 takes place

EL PASO, TEXAS (KVIA) -- El Paso City Council held their final session of the year today.
While they did have their normal session with items on the agenda, and a busy one at that, it was not a normal session overall.
Council began with the 5 city representatives who are leaving giving remarks, thanking those in the city who allowed them to serve. The 5 who are leaving are Isabel Salcido, Brian Kennedy, Cassandra Hernandez, Joe Molinar, and Henry Rivera.
ABC-7 spoke with Rivera who was very thankful of the people who voted for him to serve 7 years as the District 7 representative.
"My constituency gave me two full terms and they trusted me. They they believed in me. So that was one of the main statements that I wanted to get across, because if it wasn't them, I wouldn't be here."
ABC-7 also spoke with El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser, who took part in his final city council session as his second term comes to a close.
He said he's proud of the work he did, and is glad the city is left in good hands even after he leaves.
"You can get somebody to give you information or you can get it yourself and do it yourself. We were able to do it ourselves, I can tell you. I can call Secretary Mayorkas right now. He'd probably answer the phone or text me back should. I'll call you in a few minutes. That's the type of respect our community got, and that's the type of respect we deserve."Â
Leeser said he plans to work every day until his final one in office, which will be January 6th, 2025.