Mentor program recruits women into El Paso County Sheriff’s Office

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office is looking for a few good women. A new initiative is supposed to increase their ranks by 30 percent more female deputies. Currently, female deputies make up around 25 percent of the sheriff’s office.
To expand their numbers, the sheriff’s office launched a mentor program called “Women Behind the Badge.”
"This is important because we are trying to represent our whole community,” said El Paso Sheriff’s Deputy Nohely Telles. “We are, here in the county, we're 50 percent of the female population and in law enforcement it's about 25 percent; so we want to raise those numbers so we can be more out in the field."
A free prep camp will be held on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at their training academy at 12501 Montana Ave. Recruits can prepare for the fitness test, share experiences in law enforcement and learn about the hiring process.
If interested in attending, RSVP by email at or directly message Women Behind the Badge on Instagram or Facebook.