U.S. Army says no foul play involved in death of young woman soldier at Fort Bliss

UPDATE, Jan. 4: FORT BLISS, Texas -- The U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command said Monday that foul play is not suspected in the death of a female Army private first class whose lifeless body was found in her barracks room on New Year's Eve.
CID special agents probing 19-year-old Asia Graham's death at Fort Bliss said while foul play isn't believed to have occurred, an official cause for her death is still pending the completion of an autopsy.
A Fort Bliss spokeswoman said no further updates were available as of Monday.
ORIGINAL REPORT, Jan. 2: EL PASO, Texas – A young Fort Bliss soldier was found dead in her barracks on New Year’s Eve and the U.S. Army was investigating the circumstances surrounding her death, officials said Saturday,
Pfc. Asia M. Graham, 19, of Cherryville, North Carolina, was found unresponsive in her barracks room and was later pronounced dead by Fort Bliss emergency personnel.
Graham was a human resources specialist assigned to the 1-501st Attack Battalion, 1st Armored Division Combat Aviation Brigade.
Fort Bliss was her first duty station after graduating from basic training and advanced individual training.
“The Iron Eagle team is deeply saddened by the loss of our friend and teammate,” Col. Geoffrey Whittenberg, commander of the Combat Aviation Brigade.
“Pfc. Graham was a valued member of the Iron Eagle team and did an outstanding job for this battalion,” he continued.
“We lost a skilled human resources specialist who wanted nothing more than to serve her country and her battle buddies,” Whittenberg added.
Her awards included the National Defense Service Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; and the Army Service Ribbon.