National Buddy Check Week for veterans
EL PASO, TX (KVIA) -- In support of the STRONG Veterans Act of 2022, the VA has announced National Buddy Check Week.
This year it runs from October 21-25, aiming to enhance peer-to-peer connections and improve mental health, and increase access to VA and non-VA resources.
The VA says, "Buddy Check is a call to action for all Veterans to reaffirm their bonds and the connections that unite them across the nation."
The VA also announced a training for vets to allow them to better understand signs of suicide.
It is called the S.A.V.E training. It stands for:
Signs of suicidal thinking should be recognized. Ask the most important question of all. Validate the veteran's experience. Encourage treatment and expedite getting help. They offer the training on the final Friday of every month.
The VA hosted a summit for Buddy Check in Washington D.C where they had presentations from The American Legion, American Red Cross, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, and American Corporate Partners.