Las Cruces resident tells ABC-7 that new “Smart Meter” may be to blame for missing electric bills

LAS CRUCES, New Mexico (KVIA) -- ABC-7 spoke with Las Cruces resident Ken Brunot who says he hasn't received a bill from El Paso Electric since October.
Brunot said he has spoken with the electric company, and was told there is a billing issue for many people in the area who have the new "Smart Meters" and the issue is being worked on.
An El Paso Electric spokesperson reached out to ABC-7 to say Brunot's new meter was installed March 7 and could not the cause of his missing El Paso Electric bills.
ABC-7 asked for further explanation on the missing bills and will share their response when it's received.
Brunot provided ABC-7 with documentation of his billing, and the Las Cruces Resident showed that he has been paying various amounts since the billing ended, to build up credit when the full bill becomes available.
Brunot stated he is concerned for others who have not been billed and may not be leaving any money aside to pay a larger lump sum.
ABC-7 has reached out to El Paso Electric and will be speaking with the company later Thursday afternoon.