Can fueling up in Juarez help ease your pain at the pump?
EL PASO, Texas – Since the war in Ukraine began, we’ve all felt the pain at the pump in the U.S., but Juarenses aren’t struggling with the same costs we are.
“We’ve had more clients come from the U.S. than usual, we’ve seen an uptick in people filling up their tanks, and they have been filling up their whole tank when they come,” said gas station attendant Oscar Jaquez.
Gas prices at most El Paso gas stations are at $4.19, in Juarez on the same day you can get a gallon of gas for just $3.00.
The chief energy officer at the University of Houston, Ramanan Krishnamoorti told ABC-7 Mexico is as much a part of the global oil market as other countries.
"They will be slightly slower to adjust because they've got more control over the prices there then we have in the free market here," Krishnamoorti said.
This is because he says more than 50 percent of Mexico's crude oil comes from a state owned supplier.
But just how cheap is it? When you tack on the driving time and how long you’ll be waiting to get across the bridge?
ABC-7 took the trip across the Bridge of the Americas and based off of how long it took us to cross there and back and the amount of gas we expelled in doing so - if you got just one gallon of gas in Mexico you would save around 20 cents a gallon.