NE residents once again upset about junk-ridden home
EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- A neighborhood in northeast El Paso is dealing with a junk problem - again.
Residents are frustrated with a house that’s had overflowing litter in its yard multiple times.
Crews from El Paso Environmental Services, codes, and the El Paso Police department were on full force Wednesday morning at the home, which is located at 10437 Orpheus Drive.
Grapple trucks lifted load after load of trash from the yard, something residents have been complaining about for years.
Back in 2021, ABC-7 reported on this exact same property, showing it in a similar condition.
Litter, including household items like lawn mowers, ATVs, and popcorn machines, lined the sidewalk and yard.
Residents ABC-7 spoke to at the time were frustrated about the home’s condition.
“I don’t know what they’re going to do about it, it looks real bad for our neighborhood," said Nancy De La Torre, a nearby resident and daycare operator.
One resident ABC-7 spoke to off-camera today says the property has looked as bad as it did before Wednesday morning's cleanup for nearly nine months.
Laura Cruz-Acosta, spokesperson for the city, says since the last time ABC-7 was at the house, cleaning crews have come ten times to clear off the property, stemming from dozens of complaints.
“Staff is telling me we had about 55 complaints or code cases come out of this over the last four years, and the most recent one came in January of 2025," said Cruz-Acosta.
The city says $8,000 worth of liens have been placed on the property in order to pay for the multiple cleanups.
ABC-7 was unable to make contact with the homeowners Wednesday, but in past attempts, they had previously declined to comment.