3 more cases of West Nile Virus reported in El Paso

Three more cases of the West Nile virus have been confirmed in El Paso, bringing the total up to 13 for the season.
The 11th case is a man in his early 80’s, the 12th is a woman in her early 30’s, and the 13th case is a man in his late 80’s.
Two of the three individuals have underlying medical conditions.
“It doesn’t appear that the mosquito-borne disease season will be coming to an end any time soon,” said Robert Resendes, Public Health Director.
The Department of Public Health says we approach a holiday weekend, when many spend extra time outdoors, it is important that we remember to protect ourselves from getting bitten and contracting this and other diseases.
Two people have died so far from the disease in El Paso, both had underlying medical conditions according to the department of public health.
The best way to avoid exposure to mosquito-borne diseases is to practice the “four Ds”:
— DEET – Use insect repellents that contain DEET when outdoors. — DRESS – Wear long sleeves, long pants, and socks when outdoors.
— DUSK and DAWN – Although mosquitoes associated with other diseases such as Zika can be active throughout the day; residents should take extra care during peak mosquito biting hours (from dusk to dawn) or consider avoiding outdoor activities during these times.
— DRAIN – Drain standing water from flowerpots, gutters, buckets, pool covers, pet water dishes, and birdbaths. You can also mosquito-proof your home by installing or repairing screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out. To report standing water or mosquito breeding call 3-1-1.
KVIA 2019