Rising stress during election season
EL PASO, TX (KVIA) -- Stress during election season is a real problem for those involved in politics.
Whether you are running for a position, or a regular voter, stress and anxiety rises when Election Day gets closer.
A local expert says they are preparing for a rise in calls to their hotline, especially as early voting is underway.
"That's one thing we've been getting calls about... they do want to use their voice. They might have issues knowing when and where to vote."
Other experts say the stress is mostly due to people not being able to separate the negative emotions that come from the debate or reactions to public rhetoric.
The Emergence Health Network has an Election Stress Guide to help out.
The main points are: Understanding Election Stress, Identifying Symptoms, Building Connection, Assessing Risk, Developing Coping Strategies, Self Care for Staff.
For help, call the 988 hotline number for crisis and suicide help. Emergence Health also has a crisis center located at 1601 East Yandell.