Big slide & “climber” at La Nube Children’s Museum in downtown El Paso
EL PASO (KVIA) -- The "Anything's Possible Climber" is a featured attraction at El Paso's newest, multi-million dollar, state-of-the art museuem dedicated to Science.
La Nube's website describes the Anything's Possible Climber Presented by Woody and Gayle Hunt Family Foundation, like this: "Our 50-foot climber spans all four stories of the center and features a wheelchair challenge course on the top level. Part art installation and part jungle gym, the climber is both a gross motor skills challenge and a study of geometry comprised of cylinders, dodecahedrons, spheres, and more.
ABC-7's Stephanie Valle, Paul Cicala & Doppler Dave anchored the newscasts live from La Nube. Along with interviewing Alysha Swann, La Nube's Director of Community Outreach & Special Programs, Paul Cicala showed everyone the "fun" and science related to making airplanes, among other things.