‘Know My Ballot’ website aims to educate El Paso voters
EL PASO, Texas -- It’s an organization geared towards simplifying the process of educating voters about who is running in local, state and national elections. It’s allowing you, the voter, to gain knowledge on content about the candidates running and the information is written in conversational text, making it easy to ‘digest’ according to one of the creators.
“We saw that El Paso was missing more political involvement and how there wasn’t a site to get in one place to get information about candidates and their position and what their positions entailed,” co-founder of Know My Ballot, Elizabeth Pena told ABC-7.
The organization is a start-up that began as an idea between four friends in El Paso, Texas. “We wanted [the voter] to know about an unbiased, unpartisan way, all the facts about the candidates running for positions locally and the state level and nationally, just so they can get all the information before hitting the polls,” Pena said.
The bi-lingual voter assistant program can be found on all platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and on the web at knowmyballot.org/.
“Our tag line on our website is voting simplified; we just want to give the tools to the public so they can make an informed decision at the polls and they don’t feel like they are being bombarded from the candidates platforms,” Pena said.
Their main objective is to make it easy for the public she said and it starts with a simple follow on any of their social media sites.
“We just wanted to make it easy for people to get this kind of digestible information simplified for them where they can go somewhere and read what these candidates are about, so they can feel more involved about the process and they are not scared and they are not wanted to go vote,” she added.
Pena said the group hopes to become a non-profit one day. They also have dreams of growing and expanding into other cities and offering this service.