EPCC granted $137,000
EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Governor Greg Abbott announced the Texas Workforce Commission awarded a $137,000 Skills Development Fund grant to EPCC.
"Through this SDF grant, El Paso Community College will provide customized training for over 65 new and incumbent employees of Vinton Steel, LLC (“Vinton Steel") in heavy and civil engineering construction," a spokesperson for the governor's office explained.
TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Alberto Treviño III presented the grant award to EPCC, Vinton Steel, and others at a ceremony today.
“This SDF grant will help workers in the El Paso area to pursue successful careers, earn higher wages, and boost the Texas economy,” said TWC Chairman Bryan Daniel. “Grants like the one awarded today help upskill the workforce to fill high-demand occupations such as heavy and civil engineering construction."