Safety tips as the Borderland braves high winds
EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- As the Borderland sees another day of high winds that resulted in a dust storm warning Sunday, ABC-7 wants you to be prepared and stay safe.
Officials advise to avoid travelling when you experience high winds in your area.
"A dust storm warning means that there's thick dust with visibilities below a quarter of a mile. And when visibilities get that low, travel becomes dangerous. Really, anything you're doing outside becomes dangerous," said National Weather Service meteorologist Joe Delizio.
If you must travel, be aware of your surroundings.
"When you're driving in a dust storm, we tell people to do a few things," said Delizio. "We tell them to pull off to the side of the road, make sure all your lights are turned off, your car is turned off, and your foot is off the break. And the reason for that is we don't want people to see those lights. If they can't see anything but the road, if they can't see anything but your lights, they might actually drive into that area because they think you're moving. And so they might actually hit you, and that's where the dangers come in."